Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday ..framing begins.

Well another nice day and off we, the wife Supervisor, and I went to get this thing built. Assembled the beams and shit those buggers are heavy. (3 2x8x16 nailed together) Got the beam hangers in place in the concrete wall and with a little effort and help from my neighbour Bill, got the posts measured and cut and placed. We started to place the joist spacing them out along the ledger board at 16" centers. Helps to cut some spacer pieces to just slip in at the right measurement. An issue arouse which we will address tomorrow because I'm friggen bushed. Some of the joists are taller at the ledger then the others so we'll adjust the hangers to fit. Enough done today so time to rest. I keep forgetting I'm 60 years old!!....too bad eh? Oh well soon be sitting on the deck tossing back some Blue.....stay tuned for Friday's entry. BTW going to teach the Supervisor how to use a screw gun tomorrow, should be fun.

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