Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday...The Fort has risen...LOL

It's Monday and the weather has turned out nice. We began by going to resupply our wood at Rona and then back to the "build". No wonder contractors charge so much to build these things, bloody wood and hardware is costly. Oh well saved a bundle on the labour costs but not my back? Anyway this is the sort of thing that keeps one fit and active. neighbour walks by and comments that its looking more and more like a Fort!..hey I like that idea so Fort Hilder it is.
We finished all the fence boards and the only thing left on this project is to build the gates. Wonder how much it would be to install gun towers? Dar says no, so I can only pretend. Once all the building is done we can then concentrate on leveling out the topsoil, rolling and seeding the area. Hopefully by June we will have a nice lawn to walk on. Still trying to figure out where to put the Hot Tub...

In the two photos you can see the "before" and "after" shots. Only difference you don't see is a the few thousand spent!....

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