Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday...colder and wet

Well the short summer tease is over and the cooler weather and rain has shown up to announce "SPRING"! So today was kinda slow. But the fellow from the railing company showed up and took the measurements and we'll have a railing by Friday afternoon. Still have to build the stairs but after doing some web research now know that the landing pad has to be the first thing done. When the rain stops the pad will be constructed then I can see if i can build some stairs. Already acquired the stain and all we need now is a nice day or two,....yeah right. Who knows maybe by April I can have my first BBQ on our new deck.


Ruth Ann said...

Can I come?

Russell George Hilder said...

You never know...

Ruth Ann said...

Oh I get it, same old TTC crap. You can work with the women but if they don't have a mate you can't socialze with them... Thanks Russ.